
It’s been a minute , hi☺️!!

How can I pick up my pen again to allow my inspirations to flow? I have been pounding on the idea of getting back to blogging for the past few months. If we are being honest, I was uninspired. As I am in the last 2 years of my twenties, I am trying to figure… Continue reading It’s been a minute , hi☺️!!


The girl with the never ending Grief

I’ve always thought that it was not healthy for me to feel stuck and still struggle with my dad’s death , even years later. I really have struggled to move on, and that significant void without him is stagnant. No matter how many steps I’ve taken forward, I can get triggered by anything, and in… Continue reading The girl with the never ending Grief


Laëtitia- Mental health is as important as your physical health

I was introduced to my next interviewee Laetitia by a close friend of mine. He texted me saying, “there's this girl I would love for you to work with”. I said sure no problem. We have been talking for years and I fell in love with how dedicated she was to go after all of… Continue reading Laëtitia- Mental health is as important as your physical health


Doris Adéclat : Dorishaiti

I’m always asking my friends about who they think I should interview as I focus more on Haitian musicians. It dawn on me that they are so many amazing young people doing phenomenal work . So I have taken a better interest at what’s going on around, and to shed light on those amazing young… Continue reading Doris Adéclat : Dorishaiti


Tyna Belance : Dancing Is How I learned To Express My feelings

I have always seen her pictures floating around on social media or videos of her dancing. Tyna Belance pictures showcase her love for dance so well. The art behind them is always well-executed. Prior to my interview with her I’ve gotten DMs about her through people I don’t usually talk to, asking me: “Whose this?… Continue reading Tyna Belance : Dancing Is How I learned To Express My feelings


What’s Up Ladybugs

I know so many of you are feeling stressed and nervous. All of us are pensive about what tomorrow will bring. I mean who isn’t? It’s the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow will bring that’s the most nerve-wracking. To be perfectly honest, I am not scared, but I am extremely nervous. But ultimately, whatever… Continue reading What’s Up Ladybugs


A Thank You Note To My Mother ❣️

Tomorrow it’s  Father’s Day and I want to celebrate  my mama on top of celebrating my dad . Some might find it weird, but here is the thing: 5 years ago, my mom became a single mother; not by her choice or my father’s but rather by the creator of the universe’s. Since then, she has… Continue reading A Thank You Note To My Mother ❣️

Guests writers

Pas de petit ami, pas de problème

Certaines personnes se cantonnent dans des relations qui évidemment ne marchent pas juste parce qu’ils ont peur d’être seul. Moi, la solitude ne m’effraie pas .Quand ça va mal et après avoir fait tous les efforts, je suis la première à prendre la poudre d’escampette !Je suis célibataire depuis un bon moment mais je ne… Continue reading Pas de petit ami, pas de problème


Mitzy : “Don’t ever think you aren’t beautiful or smart enough…”

I was first introduced to Mitzy when I was visiting a friend at her old university, in Haiti. After that meeting, she kept popping on my IG friends suggestions; so we started following each other. I was very intrigued by her because she seems so outgoing, and sweet. Plus, she uses her IG platform to… Continue reading Mitzy : “Don’t ever think you aren’t beautiful or smart enough…”


Mikaben: Education Is Not Only About Going To College

The first time I ever encountered this interviewee was at my school fair, in Haiti. On that day, after I watched him perform, well, I’ve become a huge fan. I mean, the man was my favorite at the time and he still is, honestly (lol). I used to have one of his songs, Si’m te… Continue reading Mikaben: Education Is Not Only About Going To College